Take a Picture Walk through our school

Our three year old Bluebird class is filled with fun. You can see the sun, the clouds and all things birds.

The Bluebirds have a gifted artist who creates fun to play with. Miss Chrissy has created a farm yard chicken coop for our fall farm unit.

In Busy Bee Boulevard, one of our four year old classes, children are welcomed into the "family tree." During this class's circle time children learn about patterns, manners, letter recognition, number identification, sequence and much more.

The Busy Bees use white boards to practice writing, scribbling, drawing and copying. They're strengthening their hand muscles while writing and having fun!

Across the "street" in the 5 day Froglet Pre-K, these fours play/learn in the block center using fine motor skills, classifying blocks by shape/size, experimenting with balance, using their imaginations to design towers, understanding number concepts and more.

Also, in the 5 Day Froglet Pre-K class there is so much to learn: letters, numbers, colors, opposites, "word beats," rhyming patterns and more. We're getting ready for kindergarten, the right way, through play and discovery.

The Froglets like to listen to stories in their underwater subs.

The Busy Bees know too, the importance of book exploration for reading readiness, so they are able to page through a good book at their cozy campsite.

Let's not forget the Turtle Twos, who like to sink into a comfy chair and page through developmentally appropriate board books, just perfect for them to page through independently.

The Christian Life Center is the home of our preschool. The preschool shares space with our Sunday Program - Kid Zone!

We are blessed with the use of an indoor playground, painted in an underwater scene. Perfect for those cold or rainy days!

Lunch Llamas enjoy socialization and a little bit of learning about healthy habits, food, table manners and more!

Children in Lunch Llamas eat lunch together from 11:30-12:00, with a short lesson from the class mascot, Llommy. Then the class enjoys gross motor fun either out on our playground or in our big room.

Our "Big Room" allows plenty of space for gross motor activities, indoor recess, whole school festivities and our chapel time, which we call "Celebrate."

During Celebrate children learn about the God who loves them and His son, who died for them.

Children enjoy our fenced playground!

The Christian Life Center property has a pond, which is fun to explore. We see tadpoles in the spring and often geese lay eggs nearby, which hatch into sweet goslings.

The children enjoy our nature trails to collect leaves, look for forest creatures and to help collect litter!

Come and Join Us!
In Imagination Station, the children's imaginations lead the way to fun! What can we imagine? How can we create it??
New London Christian Preschool
125 Saginaw Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352